ASCA Preferred Suppliers with Great Deals

Make sure you check out the fantastic deals coming from our preferred suppliers for your schools as we head to the new financial year with Officeworks, BFX, The Good Guys Commercial and JB HIFI to name some.

This is also a great time to make sure that you have let your staff know about the ASCAplus staff benefits and that they can register Here to also gain wonderful deals and savings from our suppliers for their personal purchases.

    Is your Canteen registered for the ASCA Rewards loyalty program

      • Principals - let your Canteen Manager or Caterer know that if they are registered for the ASCA Rewards Loyalty Programthey can earn points which last for 2 years! Points can used toward credits for their Distributor or The Good Guys Commercial  - all translating to great savings for your canteens bottom line.
      • Check out the ASCA website for ASCAFood for Thought” cookbook - there are hundreds of recipes created specifically with School Canteens in mind.
      • Special dietary needs? Our suppliers have you covered. Make sure you ask us about this area as our supplier offer Gluten free, vegetarian and more options.

    ASCA supports Australian Charities

    • As a not-for-profit organisation, each year ASCA donates its surplus funds to a range of registered charities who assist in the education of vulnerable children. 
    • By simply purchasing from ASCA’s Preferred Suppliers, you are not only gaining best value for your school, but indirectly contributing to our Charity Partners.
    • Since our inception in 1979, ASCA has continually supported these charities, with almost $11 million raised for partners such as The Smith Family.
    • Thanks to your support, we continue to donate to our charities who really need our support. Thank you.

    Growth Coaching Course

    Introduction to Leadership Coaching - This practice course explores all three elements of effective coaching practice: the GROWTH conversational framework; the key coaching skills; a coaching Way of Being; and how to apply these in a range of conversational contexts.

    This is a two-day workshop held over two one-day sessions -

    • Day 1: 30 August 2024
    • Day 2: 13 September 2024
    • Costs:
      • TPA Member Enrolment Cost $850
      • Non-TPA Enrolment Cost $890
      • Venue: Launceston College

    TPA Sponsors


    MSP Photography

    Reach out to your friendly MSP Tasmania team to learn how we can make your School Photo day easier!

    (03) 62315880

    Click here to view the MSP Website

    Zart Art

    As a Tasmanian Principals Association sponsor, we are pleased to offer all TPA Member Schools 15% Off Storewide when you use Promotion Code: TPA15

    Lyn Rogers

    Click here to view the Zart Art website

    BFX Furniture

    Contact details:
    Steve Milekovic, Sales and Project Consultant
    0408 464 037

    Click here to view the BFX Furniture website



    ACSA is a not-for-profit member association of schools, working with over 100 supplier partners to deliver the best value for your school and canteen, saving over $10 million per annum for our members.

    As a not-for-profit organisation, the welfare of children in your schools has always been paramount. Whether we are helping you in your canteen to deliver more healthy, better value meals, or simply ensuring that you get best value for your school budget; our aim is to assist you to provide the best education to your students, whilst contributing to Australian charities that support the education of vulnerable children.

    Over the last 40+ years, ASCA has contributed almost $5 million to our 10 charity partners including The Smith Family, St Vincent de Paul, The Song Room and AEIOU.

    Visit the link below to learn more about how we can help your school, and make sure you read your Termly Smart School Newsletters and monthly emails to keep up with the latest products and services from our innovative Preferred Supplier partners.

    Kerry Danks-Guy
    National School Supplier Manager & Area Manager
    0417 742 055

    Click here to view the ASCA website

    Berry Street

    We know that all students, particularly vulnerable students, need strategies to increase their well-being in order to achieve academic success. Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) is an evidence-informed approach that enables teachers to increase engagement with students with complex, unmet learning needs and successfully improve all students’ self-regulation, growth and academic achievement.

    For further information please contact

    Kristy Gilmore 

    +61 3 9421 7517
     +61 3 9421 7538

    Click here to view the Berry Street Education Model website 


    Teacher’s Health

    Want to join?

    Joining Teachers Health is fast, easy and hassle free. You can join:


    For more information visit or call 1300 728 188.

    Seasons for Growth

    myfuture’s free webinars

    myfuture’s free webinars are a great way to learn about current topics from expert presenters both here in Australia, and from around the world. The term 3 webinars are centred around supporting students to make career decisions, and how sustainable development goals (SDGs) can be used to help guide their aspirations.

    We encourage you to register for any/all of these upcoming events: 

    • 23 July - Where to start with de-motivated students? Presenter: Dr Shekina Rochat, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
    • 24 July - Navigating your post-school plans with confidence. Presenter: Dr Michael Healy, National Career Education Manager (myfuture)
    • 06 August – Career development learning and sustainability goals. Presenters: Professor Sarah O’Shea (Charles Sturt University), Dr Olivia Groves (Australian Educational Research Organisation), Dr Kylie Austin (University of Wollongong)
    • 10 September – Sustainable Development Goals in career education. Presenter: Dr Candy Ho, University of Fraser Valley, British Colombia
    • 12 September – Coping with emotional challenges in career development R U OK? Day 2024. Presenters: Dr Michael Healy (myfuture) and Jill Wilson (Student Wellbeing Hub)

    Register now: 

    National Associations

    Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA)

    View an update from APPA - National Horizons

    TPA Elections

    We will begin our bi-annual election cycle at the beginning of next term, with nominations opening on Wednesday 29 July. Three positions on the TPA Executive, each for a two-year term of office commencing 1 January 2025 are up for election:

    • President
    • Vice President Primary
    • Vice President Secondary.

    I encourage you to consider nominating for a position on our Executive.  Being involved is personally and professionally rewarding and a great means of contributing to our wonderful profession. 

    Further details will be provided at the commencement of term three.

    President’s Report

    With the Winter Solstice behind us, we can enjoy an increasingly ‘little bit’ more daylight at each end of the school day. The daily walk, drive or ride into school can offer the perfect opportunity to prepare ourselves in that transition time between work and home, but only if we can consciously use this time in an intentional and effective way. Many members would be familiar with the work of Dr Adam Fraser on the ‘Third Space’ and recently colleagues have been sharing how they consciously transition between activities, tasks or different environments. For many, the midyear break may be a timely reminder to revisit Adam’s work, or for those that aren’t familiar, to explore it for the first time The Third Space® — Dr Adam Fraser

    ACARA CEO Members Session

    Acting CEO of ACARA, Stephen Gniel joined a group of members last week in Hobart. One key takeaway for many was his genuine interest in the perspectives of principals/school leaders and the accessibility of ACARA for future sessions in Tasmania. Steve expressed interest in a northern session later in the year/early 2025.

    TPA Critical Incidents Research Project is Now Live

    Our principal associations have partnered with the Australian Catholic University (ACU) to undertake a key piece of research in an area that will impact many of us across our careers – ‘Understanding the psycho-social impact on principals leading school communities through critical incidents’.

    We are seeking your support in helping educational systems and stakeholders build an understanding of contemporary school leaders experiences of critical incidents in completing this simple survey - Click Here  

    ACU are the perfect research partner with their extensive longitudinal research into Australian Principal Occupational Health & Wellbeing, which has been running since 2011.

    The research will seek to understand the types of critical incidents that can occur in schools and examine the internal and external factors, such as personal resilience and employer provided supports to buffer the effects of critical incidents. Understanding the nature and potential impact of these incidents and protective resources is essential, as they are linked to student safety, community trust, emotional and psychological well-being, educational continuity, risk management, and resource allocation etc.

    This research is significant in filling a critical knowledge gap surrounding what is known about critical incidents in educational environments and contexts; this was acknowledged by our successful funding submission to Principals Australia Research Fund (PARF). By addressing the impact of critical incidents on school leaders in our context and qualifying the potential protective factors that exist, this study offers an opportunity to gain insights that can be applied not only within Australia, but potentially serve as a valuable resource for educators and policymakers worldwide.

    We understand that the impact of critical incidents may be distressing well beyond the initial event, as can the revisiting of sensitive content.

    Please remember that access to our department’s EAP Services from Newport and Wildman is available 24/7 on 1800 650 204.

    All responses will remain anonymous, and the survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

    The study has ethics approval from ACU HREC (2024- 3502E)

    Lead the Way – One Day Powerup for AST & APs

    Calling our fabulous middle leaders across our schools, we are excited to announce our first 'Lead the Way - One Day Powerup for AST & AP's' session! Register Here
    The program includes keynotes and workshops from Ben Sacco managing Director of the Education Economy and Kristen Douglas, Head of Schools & Communities, headspace Nationally, with principal panels from TPA members and mini masterclasses from the Department for Education, Children and Young People.

    Recent Meetings Attended by TPA on Behalf of Members

    • Routine meeting online with Directors of Principal Leadership North & South
    • Routine meeting online with the Deputy Secretary of Schools & Early Years
    • Meeting with the Minister for Education
    • Meeting with Shadow Education Spokesperson
    • Meeting in Campbell Town with our 8 Senior Secondary College principals
    • Meeting with Director of People Services & Support and Deputy Director Strategic Recruitment
    • Reporting & Communicating Progress to Families stakeholder meeting
    • Deakin University ‘Principal Invisible Labour’ research interview
    • TPA State Executive online meeting
    • Education Workforce Roundtable meeting in Hobart
    • Stakeholder interview for Educational Adjustments Review
    • UTAS Course Advisory Committee online – thankyou Simon Ellaby for representing TPA

    New TPA Members

    A warm welcome to our new members who have joined our association in recent weeks. We look forward to your engagement with your Association for many years to come!

    • Mike Flanagan – Campbell Town District School
    • Erica Boas – Bothwell District High School
    • Britany Roesteneburg – Hobart City High

    TPA Sponsors

    I would like to acknowledge and thank the ongoing support of our sponsors who share our commitment to the public education system and support our vision of ‘supporting connected and empowered educational leaders as an integral part of our public education system’.  Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors - MSP Photography, BFX Furniture, Zart Art; Gold - Berry Street, ASCA, Schoolzine; and Silver - Teachers Health.

    TPA Elections

    We will begin our bi-annual election cycle at the beginning of next term, with nominations opening on Wednesday 29 July 2024. Three positions on the TPA State Executive, each for a two-year term of office commencing 1 January 2025 are up for election:

    • President
    • Vice President Primary
    • Vice President Secondary.

    I encourage you to consider nominating for a position on our Executive.  Being involved is personally and professionally rewarding and a great means of contributing to our wonderful profession. 

    Further details will be provided at the commencement of term three.

    TPA Sponsors


    MSP Photography

    Steve and Rebecca Skinner
    (03) 6231 5880

    Click here to view the MSP Website

    Zart Art

    As a Tasmanian Principals Association sponsor, we are pleased to offer all TPA Member Schools 15% Off Storewide when you use Promotion Code: TPA15

    Lyn Rogers

    Click here to view the Zart Art website

    BFX Furniture

    Contact details:
    Steve Milekovic, Sales and Project Consultant
    0408 464 037

    Click here to visit the BFX Furniture website



    ACSA is a not-for-profit member association of schools, working with over 100 supplier partners to deliver the best value for your school and canteen, saving over $10 million per annum for our members.

    As a not-for-profit organisation, the welfare of children in your schools has always been paramount. Whether we are helping you in your canteen to deliver more healthy, better value meals, or simply ensuring that you get best value for your school budget; our aim is to assist you to provide the best education to your students, whilst contributing to Australian charities that support the education of vulnerable children.

    Over the last 40+ years, ASCA has contributed almost $5 million to our 10 charity partners including The Smith Family, St Vincent de Paul, The Song Room and AEIOU.

    Visit the link below to learn more about how we can help your school, and make sure you read your Termly Smart School Newsletters and monthly emails to keep up with the latest products and services from our innovative Preferred Supplier partners.

    Kerry Danks-Guy
    National School Supplier Manager & Area Manager
    0417 742 055

    Click here to visit the ASCA website

    Berry Street

    We know that all students, particularly vulnerable students, need strategies to increase their well-being in order to achieve academic success. Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) is an evidence-informed approach that enables teachers to increase engagement with students with complex, unmet learning needs and successfully improve all students’ self-regulation, growth and academic achievement.

    For general enquiries, please call us on 03 9429 9266 or enquire online.


    Teacher’s Health

    Want to join?

    Joining Teachers Health is fast, easy and hassle free. You can join:


    For more information visit or call 1300 728 188.

    Imagination Play

    Tassie schools deserve great play experiences, too

    Tasmania is the definition of small but mighty. It has a huge amount to offer (to both residents and visitors) and has a long history of holding its own. Yet Tasmania can also get overlooked in many ways, often having less access and opportunity than mainland Australia - and schools are no exception.

    Addressing the playground experience in Tasmanian schools

    We all know play is an important part of development and learning, and school play spaces and equipment are a vital part of play in schools. Well-designed and maintained equipment makes for enjoyable, safe, and inclusive play for kids of all ages and abilities. It can even make schools more attractive (to both kids and parents!)

    But something as small as being separated by the Strait can prevent schools from accessing great play, due to a shortage of local equipment suppliers and the lack of out-of-state suppliers who will offer local installation.

    This can often leave schools with minimal support to upgrade and install new equipment and little guidance around what to look for, ask for, how to maximise budgets or ensure safe, stimulating spaces that are suitable for their students.

    Imagination Play equipment at West Ulverstone Primary School

    Bridging the Strait: Ensuring quality play environments for every student

    Location or distance shouldn't prevent kids from having a great education - and it also shouldn't stop them from having safe, fun and engaging play spaces.

    If you're not sure where to start with new equipment (or aren't even sure if it should be on your radar), here are some things to consider:

    1. Your current space: What space (compact, oddly-shaped or other) do you have to work with and are there existing elements (equipment, buildings, trees and gardens) that need to be considered?
    2. Your current equipment: What do you currently have, and what is missing? Do all your outdoor playground equipment conform to Australian standards?
    3. Your last maintenance/safety audit: When was the last time you did an audit of your playground and what was the outcome? As playground equipment age they can become non-compliant, which is why regular maintenance and safety audits are crucial.
    4. Your accessibility needs: All kids should be able to play, but not all kids have the same needs. No two schools are the same - what equipment does your school specifically need? Ensuring that equipment is accessible for the range of ages and abilities present at your school is vital.
    5. Suitable materials: The amount of wear and tear expected, your sustainability goals, and your local weather - can all impact what materials are most suitable for your space!
    6. Your budget and available grants: Budget will ultimately dictate what you're able to achieve, but applying for government grants can help fund projects and fill budget gaps.

    Through our extensive experience working with Tasmanian schools, we have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of safe and stimulating play spaces. We have collaborated with Tassie schools to create custom play areas that not only meet but exceed their expectations, including:

    • Bicheno Primary School
    • Flinders Island District High School  
    • Montello Primary School
    • Devonport Christian School
    • Latrobe High School
    • Deloraine Primary School
    • Glen Dhu Primary School
    • Scottsdale High School
    • West Ulverstone Primary School

    We understand that navigating the process of upgrading or installing new play equipment can be daunting, especially without local suppliers or guidance. That's why we offer comprehensive virtual consultations that cover all the above considerations (and more), and share site photos and near-map images, so you don't miss out on the customised and collaborative process. 

    Imagination Play equipment at Latrobe High School

    Whether you're considering upgrading your current space or installing a new one, Imagination Play is here to help. Our team can provide expert advice on maximising your budget, ensuring safety and compliance, and creating stimulating environments suitable for all students.

    To explore play equipment options, visit our website or explore our playground equipment catalogue. For assistance with planning and design options or grant applications, get in touch.

    President’s Report

    Dear Members and Supporters of our Association,

    I can honestly say that it brought us so much joy to see delegates at our conference engaging deeply in the conference program and making the most of the opportunity to quarantine two full days dedicated to your learning and wellbeing. With our 2024 Tasmanian Educational Leaders Conference at paranaple Convention Centre wrapped up, we'd like to provide a recap courtesy of our conference partner University of Tasmania.

    Thank you to our MC Penny Terry who so expertly ensured that the conference flowed as smoothly and professionally as it did. We were grateful for the Welcome to Country and learnings from Dave mangenner Gough and the address from our incoming Minister for Education, Jo Palmer MLC on day two. How fitting it was on Public Education Day that we had students from Penguin District School & Don College showcasing the impact of the arts in education!

    What a line up of keynote speakers that treated us with their unique interpretation of the conference theme! Kate Ceberano AM, Lee Crockett, Angela Falkenberg, Nadine Champion & Christine Finnegan each captivated us and left us with some deep reflection in the time that followed. Our national presidents Andy Mison, Matthew Johnson and Angela Falkenberg came together and provided some national perspectives and how principals can find their voice. Finally, we had a great time using our voice (and feet) rocking with Kitty and the Rockets for our conference dinner.
    We can’t put on a program of this magnitude without the support of our sponsors and partners University of Tasmania, MSP Photography, BFX Furniture, Zart Art, ASCA, Berry Street and Amplify, as well as all our trade exhibitors.

    Conference Design Pty Ltd were brilliant at pulling everything together for us to create a seamless experience for us all. TPA thank you all for your support and we look forward to us all coming together again for something special in 2025!

    Thank you to delegates who were able to complete the post-conference survey and congratulations to Kriss Von Schill, Sue Hall and Kel Innis who were selected in the random prize draw and will enjoy a package of books from the keynote speakers.

    TPA Critical Incidents Research Project is Now Live

    Our principal associations have partnered with the Australian Catholic University (ACU) to undertake a key piece of research in an area that will impact many of us across our careers – ‘Understanding the psycho-social impact on principals leading school communities through critical incidents’.

    We are seeking your support in helping educational systems and stakeholders build an understanding of contemporary school leaders experiences of critical incidents in completing this simple survey -

    ACU are the perfect research partner with their extensive longitudinal research into Australian Principal Occupational Health & Wellbeing, which has been running since 2011.

    The research will seek to understand the types of critical incidents that can occur in schools and examine the internal and external factors, such as personal resilience and employer provided supports to buffer the effects of critical incidents. Understanding the nature and potential impact of these incidents and protective resources is essential, as they are linked to student safety, community trust, emotional and psychological well-being, educational continuity, risk management, and resource allocation etc.

    This research is significant in filling a critical knowledge gap surrounding what is known about critical incidents in educational environments and contexts; this was acknowledged by our successful funding submission to Principals Australia Research Fund (PARF). By addressing the impact of critical incidents on school leaders in our context and qualifying the potential protective factors that exist, this study offers an opportunity to gain insights that can be applied not only within Australia, but potentially serve as a valuable resource for educators and policymakers worldwide.

    We understand that the impact of critical incidents may be distressing well beyond the initial event, as can the revisiting of sensitive content.

    Please remember that access to our department’s EAP Services from Newport and Wildman is available 24/7 on 1800 650 204.

    All responses will remain anonymous, and the survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

    The study has ethics approval from ACU HREC (2024- 3502E)

    Lead the Way – One Day Powerup for AST & APs

    Calling our fabulous middle leaders across our schools, we are excited to announce our first 'Lead the Way - One Day Powerup for AST & AP's' sessionRegister Here
    The program includes keynotes and workshops from Ben Sacco managing Director of the Education Economy and Kristen Douglas, Head of Schools & Communities, headspace Nationally, with principal panels from TPA members and mini masterclasses from the Department for Education, Children and Young People.

    We’d like to thank Ben for providing us with a taste of where his session will take us! Watch Here

    Australian Government Primary Principals (AGPPA) Meeting

    As affiliates of AGPPA, TPA members are represented through the respective national associations. We met recently and discussed a range of issues impacting the state.

    New TPA Members

    A warm welcome to our new members who have joined our association in recent weeks. We look forward to your engagement with your Association for many years to come!

    • Louise Rose – Brooks High
    • Sean Ryan – Dunalley Primary School
    • Catherine Grace – Mount Nelson Primary School
    • Heather Parker - Devonport Primary School

    Move Well Eat Well

    Come to a collaborative workshop to share your thoughts on how MWEW can best support schools and services in the future. 

    Workshop details:  

    • South: Wednesday22 May, 9:30 am-11:00 am, Glenorchy Library, Glenorchy   

    Register for the South workshop here  

    • North-West: Wednesday 29 May, 9:30 am-11:00 am, Point Function Room, Burnie  

    Register for the North-West workshop here  

    • North:Thursday 30 May, 9:30 am-11:00 am, Launceston Conference Centre, Launceston 

    Register for the North workshop here  

    • Online:Wednesday 5 June, 3:30 pm-5:00 pm via Microsoft Teams 

    Register for the online workshop here 

    Learn more about the program Refresh and other consultation opportunitiesMove Well Eat Well Refresh Updates | Move Well Eat Well 

    Be You Professional Learning Workshops

    Be You are offering a series of professional learning workshops, designed to slot into your staff meeting time, exploring whole school approaches to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of your learning community. Allow one of our consultants to facilitate your whole staff professional learning. A member of your staff will attend the Facilitator Briefing (30 mins) and then your whole staff will participate in one or more of the following ‘In Staff Meeting’ sessions. 

    Postvention theory and planning

    Be You is the leading national provider of Postvention support to educational settings.  The Postvention theory and planning workshops are available to secondary/combined schools, and colleges. The 90-minute online theory sessions are designed to give all members of your critical incident/emergency Response Team an understanding of postvention principles in responding to and recovering from, a suicide in the community.  Once all members of the critical incident/emergency response team have completed the theory training, Be You is available to assist with completing your school’s Suicide Postvention plan (translating theory into practice).  

    Term 3 2024 sessions

    Please contact your consultant Eva Nicholls, if you would like to discuss scheduling a time more suitable to your school needs

    Responding to self-harm in primary and secondary schools

    This free, online session will support educators to respond effectively to primary and secondary school students who are self-harming through safe and effective conversations and evidence-based resources:

    Educator Wellbeing

    This free, online session explores strategies to optimise individual educator wellbeing, and ways of incorporating these into a supportive workplace culture:

    Visit ASCA at the upcoming TPA Conference

    • Kerry will be manning the stand with a guest supplier, Officeworks, in Devonport at the Paranaple Centre, from Wednesday 22 May– Friday 24 May 2024.
    • Great prizes for your schools from our wonderful ASCA suppliers, and more from those around the conference too!
    • Find out how your school can obtain access to our 100+ Preferred Supplier partners to streamline your purchasing and enjoy exclusive benefits and savings.

    May means Celebrate Canteen Week!

    • Principals, let your Canteen Manager or Caterer know that the school community is celebrating the canteen via numerous activities that you can download for free from the ASCA website.
    • Get your parents and friends committee involved and there are great activities to download.
    • Hundreds of recipes created specifically with School Canteens in mind, from the ASCAs Food for Thought Cookbook as well.
    • Catering needs?  Our suppliers have you covered make sure you ask us about this area as we have you covered with gluten-free & vegetarian as well.

    ASCA supports Australian Charities

    • As a not-for-profit organisation, each year ASCA donates its surplus funds to a range of registered charities who assist in the education of vulnerable children.
    • By simply purchasing from ASCA’s Preferred Suppliers, you are not only gaining best value for your school, but indirectly contributing to our Charity Partners.
    • Since our inception in 1979, ASCA has continually supported these charities, with almost $10 million raised for partners such as The Smith Family.
    • Thanks to your support, we continue to donate to our charities who really need our support. Thank you.

    To ensure our email reaches your inbox, please add  to your address book.

    President’s Report

    Dear Members and Supporters of our Association,

    With the House of Assembly reconvening for the first time since the recent state election, we’d like to wish all elected members of the Upper and Lower House well in their respective roles and responsibilities for their parliamentary term. It is heartening that the newly appointed Minister for Education Jo Palmer MLC and new shadow education spokesperson Sarah Lovell MLC reached out to the TPA post-election with a genuine interest in engaging with school leaders through the Association. Already, we have been able to have two meetings with Minister Palmer, with a third meeting scheduled with our extended State Executive later in June. This year we will be looking to convene a ‘Parliamentary Friends of Public Education’ breakfast meeting, to coincide with the sitting week of Parliament. We feel this will be a valuable opportunity for principals and elected members of local, state and federal government to listen to, and learn from our public school leaders through our Association.

    We have engaged with the media on a number of issues recently, but also carefully consider where it is appropriate to do so in-line with our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. In recent weeks, TPA have provided responses to radio media on the Minister's announcement to extend incentives to hard to staff schools, beyond those currently recognised as isolated schools and have also provided comment on the notion of a ‘behaviour curriculum’. Engaging in the media where appropriate, also allows us to provide some balance, or perspective from the profession informed by the reality experienced by our members. We are equally comfortable declining media opportunities, where it may not further the conversation for young people in public education and the school leaders who lead their communities. A recent example is print media running comparative ‘best’ and ‘worst’ articles which TPA was unwilling to contribute to, but chose to provide some direct feedback with our concerns on the data cited and the reporting style.

    2024 Educational Leaders Conference

    Next week, TPA will host our annual showcase event with the conference theme ‘Capturing Hearts & Minds, Shaping Futures’. On behalf of the membership, I’d like to acknowledge the work of our conference planning committee Jeanagh Viney, Sharon Woodberry, Sarah-Jane Murphy, and Joel Doyle. I want to especially recognise Tamara Clark, who has done an amazing job frequently liaising with Conference Design for this event. This year, we offer a carefully curated line-up of speakers and a program that promises to challenge every delegate and guest. This year we will welcome many first-time attendees who are no doubt eager to network with colleagues, build their leadership skills and knowledge. As is evidenced in research, professional learning isn’t just about benefiting leaders professionally; it also enhances our wellbeing and builds support mechanisms through networking. I look forward to the conference and connecting with members and learning together.

    Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA) Meeting

    As affiliates of ASPA, TPA members are represented through the respective national associations. This always provides a tremendous opportunity to work directly with colleagues representing all states and territories, and access to Federal and state ministers where scheduling allows. For Tasmania, we have gained a lot from the insights and experiences of other member associations across the past 12 months, whether it be those developing a Leadership Capability Framework, principal wellbeing matters, understanding their workforce challenges and the strategies and incentives, or the professional learning available to principals. We encourage members to check in on the ASPA website for updates or to follow the Australian Secondary Principals Association through Linkedin or X social media platforms.

    The most recent communique from the Association’s president Andy Mison is a response to the recent federal budget 

    Member Visits

    Our executive has been conscious of scheduling member visits where possible for the first half of the year. It is always a highlight to learn about the fabulous journeys that schools and their communities are on under the guidance of our school leaders around the state. Thank you to Deloraine High, Cressy District School, Bracknell Primary, Longford Primary, Exeter High and Northern Support Schools for providing us with this opportunity.

    New TPA Members

    A warm welcome to our new members who have joined our association in recent weeks. We look forward to your engagement with the Association for many years to come!

    • Charlotte White, Cape Barren Island School
    • Holly Butler, Launceston College
    • Gregory Warman, Molesworth Primary School
    • Jacqueline Weeding, Bracknell Primary School
    • Jacquie Everson, Exeter High School
    • Courtney Hizartzidis, Forth Primary School
    • Erin Bonney, Forth Primary School
    • Sandra Cook, St Marys District School
    • James Thompson, Burnie High School
    • Dane Hardy, Latrobe High School

    TPA Member Drop-in Sessions

    Our member drop-in sessions provide a great opportunity to connect with colleagues from around the state in a safe and confidential setting. We'll often start these sessions with a question to get the 'chat' rolling and this time we asked where people may have observed the recent stunning display of the Aurora Australis. 

    Our member drop-in sessions via Teams provide a great opportunity to connect with colleagues from around the state in a safe and confidential setting. We'll often start these sessions with a question to get the 'chat' rolling and this time we asked whereabouts  people may have observed the recent stunning display of the Aurora Australis, with a few members having a photo handy to share

    Warm regards

    Melinda Williams

    Joel Doyle

    Matt Conn

    TPA Sponsors


    MSP Photography

    Steve and Rebecca Skinner
    (03) 6231 5880

    Click here to view the MSP Website

    Zart Art

    As a Tasmanian Principals Association sponsor, we are pleased to offer all TPA Member Schools 15% Off Storewide when you use Promotion Code: TPA15

    Lyn Rogers

    Click here to view the Zart Art website

    BFX Furniture

    Contact details:
    Steve Milekovic, Sales and Project Consultant
    0408 464 037

    Click here to visit the BFX Furniture website



    ACSA is a not-for-profit member association of schools, working with over 100 supplier partners to deliver the best value for your school and canteen, saving over $10 million per annum for our members.

    As a not-for-profit organisation, the welfare of children in your schools has always been paramount. Whether we are helping you in your canteen to deliver more healthy, better value meals, or simply ensuring that you get best value for your school budget; our aim is to assist you to provide the best education to your students, whilst contributing to Australian charities that support the education of vulnerable children.

    Over the last 40+ years, ASCA has raised over $10 million for our 10 charity partners including The Smith Family, St Vincent de Paul, The Song Room and AEIOU.

    Visit the link below to learn more about how we can help your school, and make sure you read your Termly Smart School Newsletters and monthly emails to keep up with the latest products and services from our innovative Preferred Supplier partners.

    Kerry Danks-Guy
    National School Supplier Manager & Area Manager
    0417 742 055

    Click here to visit the ASCA website

    Berry Street

    We know that all students, particularly vulnerable students, need strategies to increase their well-being in order to achieve academic success. Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) is an evidence-informed approach that enables teachers to increase engagement with students with complex, unmet learning needs and successfully improve all students’ self-regulation, growth and academic achievement.


    Orville Gardener
    0428 395 206


    Teacher’s Health

    Want to join?

    Joining Teachers Health is fast, easy and hassle free. You can join:


    For more information visit or call 1300 728 188.

    B kinder day – 21 June

    Professional Learning Opportunities




    TPA Member Drop-in Sessions

    TPA Members – Principals, AP’s AST’s

    MS Teams

    • Tuesday 14 May
      o   9:30 am - 10:15 am
    •  Tuesday 4 June
      o   9:00 am - 9:45 am

    A safe space where members can express their thoughts and concerns or come to share and connect with the TPA Executive and other members from around the state. This is an opportunity to access support and guidance while building a sense of community with your colleagues. Each of us has unique experiences and expertise that can be shared to help others.

    PL workshops for teachers and principals with Adam Voigt

    Open to all DECYP Leaders

    20% discount for TPA Members

    Vibe Hotel, Hobart

    • Thursday 9 May
    • Friday 10 May

    View more information and register here

    You may be familiar with Real Schools and the work of Adam Voigt Adam to drive positive culture change in schools and equip educators with the tools, skills and attitudes necessary to build meaningful, productive relationships with school communities.  

    These workshops have been designed to give Teachers and School Leaders across Primary, Secondary and Special environments the tools to embed Restorative Practices in your schools.

    2024 Tasmanian Educational Leaders Conference

    Open to all DECYP Leaders

    TPA member/non-member rates

    Paranaple Convention Centre – Devonport  

    • Wednesday 22 May - Welcome Reception
      o   5.00 pm - 7.00 pm

    Thursday 23 - Friday 24 May - conference sessions including dinner

    Visit the Conference Website to Register

    Our conference theme this year is Capturing Hearts & Minds, Shaping Futures and we feel this will call to what is at the core of every leader and educator; that is – the opportunity to engage in provocations, deep learning and conversations leading to something truly special and transformational for the young people in our care. The presenters, structure of the keynote presentations and workshops are being carefully considered to align to the theme of the conference with a focus on ‘extending your learning’, deliberately incorporated into the program so leaders come away with a shift in thinking and professional practice to Shape Futures.  

    TPA/DECYP Legal Services Workshop

    TPA Members and their leadership teams

    MS Teams

    • Thursday 13 June
      o   9.00 am - 10.00 pm

    Opportunity to meet the Legal Services team to -

    • build an understanding of legal issues in schools
    • explore consistent themes
    • provide any updated/new approaches that are required or expected of schools
    • facilitate Q and A

    Lead the Way: One-Day Power Up for AP's and AST's

    Open to all DECYP Leaders

    TPA member/non-member rates

    Wellington Room, Wrest Point, Sandy Bay

    • Thursday 29 August
      o   8.30 am - 4.00 pm
    Opportunity to join colleagues statewide as you learn about the dynamic contexts of leadership and the fulfillment that can be drawn from positively impacting the teams and communities that you lead. You’ll have the opportunity to develop new connections, hear from existing school leaders and take home learnings from experienced leaders ‘beyond the school gate’ that will highlight the impact and satisfaction gained from sharing the journey.